With the end of January quickly approaching, most of us are back into the swing of the new year. Some of us, however, may not quite be there yet. Last year almost everyone made some form of list of their new year’s resolutions for 2016. “To lose weight”, “To travel more”, “To spend less time on electronic devices” were a few [...]
Monthly Archives: March 2016
We are always fascinated by architecture and just what can be created by the genius minds of architects around the world. The Al Bahr Towers, engineered by ARUP and designed by Aedas Architects, is no exception. This amazing design has won numerous awards, including the CTBUH Innovation Award and was a finalist in the Best Tall Building Middle East and Africa. The towers are [...]
We are all for a beautifully designed room. While there are many elements that make up an interior, we can see why wall coverings should be given more attention when it comes to designing and decorating a room. A wall covering, be it painted, papered or crafted using any other creative technique, can do a lot for an interior. It is [...]
With the world’s current energy and water crisis, it would make sense to adapt our lifestyles to be conducive towards saving these resources. This is not the case, however, and something needs to be done. South African water supplies are being contaminated and wasted left right and centre. The mining industry is responsible for acid mine drainage which has been known [...]
According to Google, the word Gabion is defined as “a cylindrical basked or container filled with earth, stones or other material and [is] used in civil engineering works or (formerly) fortifications.” The word is derived from the Italian word Gabbia or Gabbione which means ‘big cage’. The use of Gabions goes as far back as ancient Egypt where they used the structures to reinforce and protect the banks of the [...]
Although the busy lifestyles of most of us today can leave little time for hobbies, a firm favourite would still be gardening. We take a look at why you should be making time for a little time in your garden and the different ways you can do so. There are many benefits one can reap from gardening. Stress relief is a well-known [...]
With the holiday season at our door steps, travelling is first and foremost in most of our minds. Although we are usually more concerned with the hotels we stay at, the food we eat and the company we keep while travelling, taking in the local architecture can be an exciting way to learn about a country or place. Amazing architecture exists all around [...]