Tag Archives: Plant Dividers

What Can I Recycle: The Do’s & Don’ts

We highlighted the importance of recycling in our previous blog but in South Africa, there is a lot of confusion of what can and cannot be recycled. It is important to confirm with your local recycling centre as to which items they can and cannot process as recycling centres can differ from one another. If [...]

Why Spekboom Is Still Popular

Spekboom was thrown into the spotlight in 2019 when a local farming family challenged South Africans to assist them in planting over one million Spekboom plants before 2025. The idea around this challenge was to decrease the amount of Carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon is the compound responsible for Global warming and comes from many [...]

Divide Your Space In Style

For some time now, plants have been made a feature in most interior and exterior spaces. Be it in office spaces, shopping malls, restaurants or even just in our homes, plants have become a popular choice of décor, and rightfully so. The natural colours of plants have been proven to have a positive effect on [...]
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